Cosmic Coaster: Phobos v1.0 r0.0
Special Power: Fear Itself
Power Description: Every turn in which you move a unit adjacent to an enemy unit (including teleportation), you may challenge the unit's controlling player to RPS, if you...
Win: you may move their unit 1 space (2 in the case of Callisto) into any open spaces. Does not affect pieces that are surrounded.
Tie/Fail: nothing.
Other stuff: Cosmic Coasters designed by "He who loves cake", you should buy a copy. Phobos image from NASA. I'll probably make revisions if I ever get a chance to playtest the power.
r0.1: Initial playtest comments
Phobos faced off against Callisto (randomly pulled), and the power seemed rather under-powered... Additionally, the question arose as to whether or not a failed attack still counted as a move (prompting the chance to use fear itself).
Also, the power may have a little more bite if, when fearing an opponent with nowhere to flee, rather than merely being illegal, the opponent is destroyed. Perhaps however the ability will be of more use to opponents that move one unit per turn (then you could scare away an opponent as you approach without giving them a chance to strike first)... More testing is required.
Supplimental musing: This would be the perfect thing to paint over any coasters that may have gotten mangled in production... ya know... it being the mangled moon and all... nevermind.
we must be playing it wrong. it just seems to drag on and isn't much fun.
I'll have to reread all the directions again.
With what powers specifically...
The essential mechanic as I see it is being able to balance your attacks with being able to keep control of your own moon.
Although the game does tend to bog down in a "Build/build, move, move, teleport, attack, build, move, teleport... etc"... with the game teetering back and forth one ship at a time.
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