Saturday, September 16, 2006

Goings on

Not much work has happened on the hex game (currently 'Ainks) since the last post.

Not much work on anything regarding gaming has gone on really, except I did install Visual Studio C# Express to work on some XNA stuff eventually. The PC/360 cross platform compatability should be interesting.

Aside from that I've been obsessing over Icehouse. Not doing much with it, just obsessing (need income before I start buying such things).

That's all for now.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Mad Lab Rabbit

I would like to bring some easy/fun games to moraine today to demo after my interview, however I don't have any looney games (stupid water) to demo... so I guess I'll look for some other easy-fun-now game.

If such a thing exists... perhaps a card game like give me the brain...

Hex War

I've been working on a game off and on for a few weeks now. The executive summary is that it's a turn based game where players select their moves for each round simultaneously and secretly. Very much like roborallyee, but I want people to be able to not need to think 5 moves ahead every turn (and allow them to react).

The game will probably take place on a hexagonal grid. Each player will have a set of basic moves (like turning, forward, etc) and will acquire better moves/attacks through play and/or experience.

There will obviously need to be somebody to implement the initiative order (still working on how that will work), and to move the pieces on the board.

The initiave order is the main thing that is keeping me from moving to an early playtest stage... though I suppose I can cross that bridge when I come to it, or ask my playtesters for ideas.