A variant setup with no contiguous colors. With all the non-starting colors in an equal but rotated position so no color is seen as a bad choice to go after initially due to position.

Ramblings about games, gaming, and game related things.
This is my Mad Rabbit Bio, I pasted it here to spell check and figured I'd post it...
I heard about the mad rabbit program when I purchased a copy of Fluxx [v3.1] for my cousin to gage his interest in card/board games. I felt it was a good introduction to such games as well as being a perfect metaphor for how I wanted to go about introducing them (the rules start simple, but then grow in complexity, often in unexpected directions). So I managed to get him and his mother playing the game, I don't know if they understood it, but I should find out the next time I see them. Anyways, I saw the Lab Rabbit card while being just that, and decided to jump on here.
As for me, I play games from anywhere that seems interesting. I have played a great deal of the games from loony labs, but have purchased them more often for other people than for myself it seems (actually, my personal copy of Fluxx drowned to death *sob*). I also play a lot of games by Avalon Hill, Fantasy Flight Games, Steve Jackson, Cheapass, and Out of the Box (not to mention countless one-game companies).
I got some fanart for having a neat name
Thanks Alison!
Other recent happenings: I now have a pile of pretty pyramids, 4 copies of Fluxx* (the reports of my copies death were greatly exaggerated, it was merely hiding in Chez Geek.), Aquarius, AYAW?, Nanofictionary, Cosmic Coasters (which I love to death),
* I thought my first copy died, so I bought another (with flowers), then I ordered a free flowers and fluxx with another order, and picked up the AYAW? Demo kit, which came with one as a prize... so add to that my newly found old copy... and I have four. Oh, and they're all version 3.0 strangely enough.
Health Accounting Example: |
A character is attacked with a 5d weapon and hit. The defending character has a base health of 2 and is wearing light armor. Attack roll: 6+6+5+3+3 = 23 Defense roll: 6+6+3 = 15 Now the character loses one health, and decides to lose the health from the armor. So now they have 2 health left (effectively taking no damage). |
Wound Accounting Example: |
A character is attacked with a 5d weapon and hit. The defending character has a base health of 2 and is wearing light armor. Attack roll: 6+6+5+3+3 = 23 Defense roll: 6+6+3 = 15 Now the character takes one wound, and since they took 1 point of damage their armor is discarded. Now if you subtract wounds from health, the character has one health point left. |